Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Using Social Networking to Create Valuable Leads

Social networking is an extremely valuable tool in the Internet marketing industry, and somewhat underestimated I believe. Most industry leaders count on paid advertisement methods to grab a large majority of their leads. However, especially for the beginner, this method might not always be accessible or financially possible.

Enter social networking.

The most common social networking platforms are Myspace, Facebook, Bebo, and LinkedIn (although there are definitely so many more out there)- all of which offer free memberships (although LinkedIn offers membership upgrades that do cost money). Each of these also allow you to search through groups, friends of friends, featured profiles, and more - and all of these are great methods to gain potential leads by increasing your profile's network. Especially with Myspace, you can join many groups that have focused interest in Internet marketing, MLM, online entrepreneurship (I might have just made up that word, but go with it :-)), home business opportunities, and all the other buzzwords you can dream of. Also, you can create your own group for others of similar interests to join. You should also request people from these industry specific groups as your friends, because if they are like minded in wanting to make money online, your site or profile might be the next online money making venture for them. Also, people that belong to these groups often already possess a decent amount of Internet marketing experience, so they could be a valuable asset to building your team. Facebook allows businesses to publish "pages" as advertisement platforms. People can join and follow businesses by becoming "fans", and as the owner of the page you create, you can also create targeted ads to run according to your budget to publicize your page.

Another convenience of social networking is the crosslinking potential. You can crosslink your home page, other social networking sites, Squidoo lens, blog, etc. and help boost traffic to your other sites as well. Some sites even provide easily inserted tabs, widgets, or badges for you to be able to crosslink easier. for example, I have inserted our Bebo badge below. Not only does it make inserting html code a breeze, but it also give you visually pleasing links.

Try out a few of these social networking sites, and let me know how they work out for you personally - I would love to hear your feedback, tips, and personal stories about how social networking works for you as well! And while you are trying out these sites, be sure to add our pages - links are below!!

Success is a choice - Make that choice today!

Happy Blogging,



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