Thursday, May 8, 2008

Free Classified Posts

Free classified sites can really help drive traffic to your website, and at no cost to you. HUGE BONUS.

However, the key to posting (although so many people abuse this), is avoiding overuse/spamming. It is very possible, if not easy in most cases, to post the same ad by clicking to copy and paste. However, the more you do this as a legitimate Internet marketer, the less value your over-posted ads really carry. Creating a well-worded and sparingly used ad can really go a long way.

A few sites I really like:
and of course...craigslist.

These sites do not allow MLM or wealth generating schemes, so if that is your online business, this might not work for you. However, there is great value in free advertising when utilized properly.

A great sample ad stresses the value in your company, an incentive to work with you in a supportive atmosphere, and the flexibility of working on the Internet. Throwing phrases around like "Make A Million Dollars in a Year" or "All Your Financial Dream Can Come True" are not valuable advertising methods because this is of course not plausible for every individual that clicks to your website or chooses to work with you, and it reeks of scam and dishonest tactics. So again, be smart with your free ad post, and always be realistic and honest.

Good luck!!

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1 comment:

Free Classifieds said...

This helps you find anything you need online so much easier. It's got grid that you can check by its category.