Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Using Social Networking to Create Valuable Leads

Social networking is an extremely valuable tool in the Internet marketing industry, and somewhat underestimated I believe. Most industry leaders count on paid advertisement methods to grab a large majority of their leads. However, especially for the beginner, this method might not always be accessible or financially possible.

Enter social networking.

The most common social networking platforms are Myspace, Facebook, Bebo, and LinkedIn (although there are definitely so many more out there)- all of which offer free memberships (although LinkedIn offers membership upgrades that do cost money). Each of these also allow you to search through groups, friends of friends, featured profiles, and more - and all of these are great methods to gain potential leads by increasing your profile's network. Especially with Myspace, you can join many groups that have focused interest in Internet marketing, MLM, online entrepreneurship (I might have just made up that word, but go with it :-)), home business opportunities, and all the other buzzwords you can dream of. Also, you can create your own group for others of similar interests to join. You should also request people from these industry specific groups as your friends, because if they are like minded in wanting to make money online, your site or profile might be the next online money making venture for them. Also, people that belong to these groups often already possess a decent amount of Internet marketing experience, so they could be a valuable asset to building your team. Facebook allows businesses to publish "pages" as advertisement platforms. People can join and follow businesses by becoming "fans", and as the owner of the page you create, you can also create targeted ads to run according to your budget to publicize your page.

Another convenience of social networking is the crosslinking potential. You can crosslink your home page, other social networking sites, Squidoo lens, blog, etc. and help boost traffic to your other sites as well. Some sites even provide easily inserted tabs, widgets, or badges for you to be able to crosslink easier. for example, I have inserted our Bebo badge below. Not only does it make inserting html code a breeze, but it also give you visually pleasing links.

Try out a few of these social networking sites, and let me know how they work out for you personally - I would love to hear your feedback, tips, and personal stories about how social networking works for you as well! And while you are trying out these sites, be sure to add our pages - links are below!!

Success is a choice - Make that choice today!

Happy Blogging,



Sunday, April 6, 2008

Our Squidoo Lens - A Great Free Marketing Tool

I created a lens on squidoo for our webpage promoting MyInternetBusiness (our product). I just wanted to share this tip because I think it's a great free marketing tool for all kinds of businesses, both online and offline. It's a great tip to give to internet marketing newcomers because it's completely free and very user-friendly. You can customize your lense in so many ways, and there are a ton of places to submit your lens to boost its ranking. Also, squidoo has a TON of members (over 400,000 lenses alone right now i believe) and is growing extremely fast in popularity. There are also groups and forums within the site that you can contribute to and submit your lens to as well, so this additional internal lens and site promotion really helps.

So check out our lens if you get a chance - digg it, stumbleupon it, favorite it, give it 5 stars, link it, del.icio.us it, make sweet sweet love to it if you want to even (just don't tell your spouse!)

So take a minute and visit our lens, even if just to see what a lens is all about and learn how to make one! It's definately worthwhile for any businessperson.


Friday, April 4, 2008

Some great del.icio.us tips on how this website can help your My Internet Business site (or any other internet marketing site for that matter!!)

So I have been using del.icio.us a decent amount to compile a list of our links and related sites that I have authored. At first, it really was just an organizational thing for me I think. But now, it has turned into such a convenience for so many reasons! I don't really have that many friends yet, but since I don't believe in spamming I'm not going around like a crazy woman and adding people. But regardles, it's pretty awesome that I can get all my links in one spot, already formatted in html for perfect insertion for me! Take a look:

I think I am in love! Anything that streamlines my work and makes my life easier is definately OK in my book :-)

So not that this is a plug for del.icio.us (more like more shameless plugs of stuff we do), it's just a recommendation that I definately like this tool. And in internet marketing, we all know crosslinking is extremely important to boosting our site's ratings. So - del.icio.us my dearest, crosslink away!!!

Late Night Blogging about My Internet Business

Late at night is where it's at on the web I think! :-)

I am on the computer all day long, but sometimes the day just brings too many distractions! I find myself wandering away to throw a load of laundry on or take a call from a friend, and end up back at my computer desk completely out of sync with where I was when I got up. It's almost comical to me sometimes, when I take a step back, and realized how unfocused I really can be. My brother Mark, of course, will probably bust my chops for posting this, but I'm just being honest. I just really prefer working late nights rather than days sometimes, because it's much quieter, much less distractions, and I feel more tuned in to the tasks in front of me. I work much more efficiently I feel.

The point to my ramblings, you might ask? If someone like me can succeed at Internet Marketing and this amazing new system My Internet Business, than anyone can! I feel like I am personally the Cinderella story of the home business world. I went to school for Biology (pre-med) and English. I never took a computer course in all of my schooling; anything I knew on the computer was self taught (and still is). Yet, Mark and I have really been able to achieve amazing success with previous ventures and this new incredible product already as well. I have learned so much along the way, and it has all been extremely easy to pick up. Mark and I have the fortunate circumstance of having a great mentor. So we know how important having someone to guide you through the process can be, which is why we want to "pay it forward" and pass along our guidance to others.

So again, I am going to shamelessly plug our website like every blog :-) I am just so proud of it, it's our baby!!

Take a gander and let us pay it forward to you!!


Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My Internet Business has been launched, we are ready to build our team!

We are so excited to begin building our team! Mark and I (I'm Jessica :-)) got our access to My Internet business's back office today, and we really can't believe the amazing range of training, incredible products, personal business assistants, marketing services, manuals, templates, and so much more that is available through this revolutionary system. It really is changing the face of internet marketing today by raising the bar.

We have been working hard on our marketing campaign, and Mark has really done an amazing job with our website. So we are continuing our marketing efforts full throttle, and are ready to do the same for all of our team members. It has been a lot of work initially, but now that things are streamlined and the My Internet Business team is available for support 24/7, it almost seems too easy.

We went into this business opportunity with similar experience at this level - having dabbled in many similar in concept but lacking in execution ventures, and employing the same methods of internet marketing previously. Now we realize that the saying is true : You get what you pay for. The magnitude of what My Internet Business has to offer is really mind-blowing. It might be a little more in initial cost than some of our previous ventures, but it is so incredibly worth it. And we are ready to help provide the training and support to get our team members to the level of wealth that is a real possibility from joining this business venture.

Hopefully along the way this blog can demonstrate to you how some real, normal, down-to-earth people can accomplish great wealth over the internet with relative ease. If we can do it, you certainly can do it; so let us show you how.

Contact us today for more information, and let us explain in detail to you what we have to offer and how My Internet Business can help, along with us, take your life from where you are today to where you want to be. It truly is AMAZING.
