Friday, April 4, 2008

Late Night Blogging about My Internet Business

Late at night is where it's at on the web I think! :-)

I am on the computer all day long, but sometimes the day just brings too many distractions! I find myself wandering away to throw a load of laundry on or take a call from a friend, and end up back at my computer desk completely out of sync with where I was when I got up. It's almost comical to me sometimes, when I take a step back, and realized how unfocused I really can be. My brother Mark, of course, will probably bust my chops for posting this, but I'm just being honest. I just really prefer working late nights rather than days sometimes, because it's much quieter, much less distractions, and I feel more tuned in to the tasks in front of me. I work much more efficiently I feel.

The point to my ramblings, you might ask? If someone like me can succeed at Internet Marketing and this amazing new system My Internet Business, than anyone can! I feel like I am personally the Cinderella story of the home business world. I went to school for Biology (pre-med) and English. I never took a computer course in all of my schooling; anything I knew on the computer was self taught (and still is). Yet, Mark and I have really been able to achieve amazing success with previous ventures and this new incredible product already as well. I have learned so much along the way, and it has all been extremely easy to pick up. Mark and I have the fortunate circumstance of having a great mentor. So we know how important having someone to guide you through the process can be, which is why we want to "pay it forward" and pass along our guidance to others.

So again, I am going to shamelessly plug our website like every blog :-) I am just so proud of it, it's our baby!!

Take a gander and let us pay it forward to you!!

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