Monday, September 8, 2008

Twitterific Twittering...

Another great internet marketing tip for everyone (as always, I am at your service!)...

Check out Twitter. This application/service/Web 2.0 platform/social networking/ social media outlet prompts users to answer the question "What are you doing right now?" Simple enough, right? It is!

I personally have been a faithful Twitter user for a while and am completely enamored with it. It has great business applications as far as consistent networking, and is extremely easy to use. It takes next to no effort to tweet (the act of updating your Twitter status, or twittering), and it is easy to follow/be followed (the equivalent of being friends with someone via Twitter) - hence easy to network!

An enormous amount of applications have also been developed that coincide with and enhance the tweeting experience. It's up to the user's preference what they prefer. Twitter can be incorporated into Myspace, Facebook, blogs, RSS feed readers (like FriendFeed), and just about any other Web 2.0 application you can dream about. Twitter also has applications specific just to Twitter members, as well as outside services that offer Twitter enhancements, desktop applications, real time tweeting, etc.

The Twitter membership is also gigantoid (yes, I will make up a new word for it ;-)) - so an endless pool of other members to befriend awaits you! Make sure to build quality connections, and stay active within the tweeting community. Feel free to tweet about changes to your own websites, blogs, social media, etc - but also make sure that is not your singular purpose on twitter or the level of interest in your Twitter profile will quickly diminish (to nothing) amongst other users. Again, it's all about building QUALITY relationships with people and seriously avoiding spam-like behavior.

As far as an Internet marketing tool, Twitter can assist in network and relationship building tremendously. Also, updates on any of your websites/blogs/socialshiz/etc can be back-linked within your tweets, providing an opportunity for traffic to your sites. The most valuable traffic that will wander towards your back-links, however, are those that understand your credibility and reputation for quality connections (providing that is the relationships you insist upon building!!)

Hope this info helps, as always :-)

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